It’s a weird thing to say, but it’s been wonderful reading these newsletters because I felt like you’ve really expressed the grief, pain, isolation and the impact it has on the life of the person left behind. At times, I’ve felt my grief seen by your words in ways my friends and family cannot, and it has helped me to know that I’m not alone in the trenches. I wish you well, Amy. Thank you for writing this newsletter.

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Hi Amy. I never subscribed to your emails but I wanted you to know I was here, and a dedicated reader of every one, even if I'm not in the list. I had to pick specific moments when I could dive into this and really feel the beauty and weight of your writing - not just let it sit in my inbox. But something always brought you to mind and I'd pop in every few weeks and catch up. I just subscribed today and hope to see whatever things you do next. You're a fantastic writer (double underlined) but more than that you're a fantastic feeler of things and every time I read your pieces it made me more thoughtful about my life and reminded me to remember the details and appreciate the beauty of the things around us (like the water, in this letter). Thank you for sharing so much of yourself in this last year. It truly impacted me.

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Thank you, thank you, Amy. What a beautiful gift these letters are. I hope they've served you in some loving way in return. This has been such a moving experience and one I'll keep with me always 💛

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Hi Amy,

Our mutual friend Megan (you guys roomed together at Oxford) recommended your substack to me a while back. I was (am) getting started as a writer and she thought you might be a good contact to reach out to. I have been reading your letters, intermittently, and am always profoundly moved by them. I think what's most amazing about them is how well you capture everything, especially Kurtis. I never got to meet him, obviously, but I feel like I know him after reading your letters - he comes to life so vividly in your voice. It's incredible. I'm in absolute awe of the writing you've done here, especially given how painful it must have been to do. I sincerely hope it has also brought you some kind of good through processing your grief.

In 2010, on August 7th, I lost my first love to suicide a week after we broke up. I began my own devastating journey of grief, and it took me a long time to heal. It's been eleven years, and I'm okay now, but your letters bring back some of the very crushing struggles of those early years - just wanting to talk to that person but not being able to, the pain of the silence that feels like it has swallowed you whole, the way their constant absence feels. Thank you for expressing those things so poignantly. I believe your words have the power to help others who are struggling, or who have struggled in the past, with grief, and to bring them some catharsis (I know they have helped me).

One year is an incredibly difficult marker, and it can be excruciating to be so powerless against the ever-sweeping movement of time as it takes you further away from your loved one and who you were when you were with them. Hang in there. Eventually it will get easier, and less painful. I hope that is a little encouraging, even though there's nothing anyone can really say to make it any less shitty. I just wanted to reach out and let you know these things, to thank you for your words and to wish you luck and strength and maybe even some joy in your journey.

Take care of yourself,

Corissa Peterson


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Amy, our thoughts have been on you this week as you approach this particularly painful milestone. It is strange to think that one year ago we didn't know who you were. From the very first post, we were drawn deep into your story and over the course of this year have grown familiar with your journey, your pain, your life and love. Thank you for sharing yourself with us at such a deep and vulnerable level. It has been a gift we have cherished. Our hearts continue to hold you in care as you journey onward. May you be sustained by the compassionate care of your family and friends. You are a precious person and we wish you a future that finds light, love and hope. Never stop writing. - Russ & Yanna Conway, Halifax, NS

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Amy, I have read your weekly letters since the first one and I am in awe of your vulnerability and the way you have shared so deeply and fully your love and life with Kurtis. I will be thinking of you this week and beyond. You have you touched my heart. I hope the love and support from your family and friends continues to hold you.

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This <3 you <3 always <3

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My arms encircle you with love as you continue your journey. 💕

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Thank you Amy. I am so grateful to bear witness to your pain and love. Sending you love.

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Loving and hugging you so much 💞😔

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Your writing is masterful. From one young widow to another, I’m sending you so much love. Be gentle with yourself as you get through this one-year milestone. Thank you for sharing your story with us. It’s beautiful.

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Your writing is incredible, breathe taking because of such amazing detail and emotions ♥️ I have been thinking of you so much with this mark, this arrival of one year 🙏♥️ . Sending you extra love and praying you will be carried as you keep going each and every day 💜♥️🙏 Xoxo

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Your opening line and this whole post, again, is beautiful, with rich layered meaning woven all the way through it, masterfully, with your and our emotions engaged. I've been realizing this week that you were nearing the end of what you said you would write and post and I was sorry. I've grown accustomed to traveling your world with you and I care. I and we all cheer on your future living and writing. Keep us posted. God bless you (this is not a platitude). Please keep sharing.

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